About us

BAL BHARTI VIDYA MANDIR HIGH SCHOOL  is situated about 20 K.M away from Karnal, in rural area, on KACHAWA road at SAGGA DIST. KARNAL, HARYANA. The School is providing innovative Education for rural area Students. The School Follow CBSE Syllabus for Students Skill Development & Employable Education. CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION, NEW DELHI granted affiliation to school in session 2015-16. We are going ahead for the better kind of education along with the communal harmony and social awareness day-by-day.

The main aim of the school is to impart qualitative and meaningful education to the students along with boosting high morals, habit of hard work, respect for teachers and elders, also to inculcate the spirit of good citizenship among the students so that after achieving their aim of life they may have true love and zeal for the service of their nation.

The School is inculcating efforts to create confidence in all types of activities which are conducted in the school and every child is given the opportunity for participation.

Ultimate aim is to prepare every child with all round development.